Terms of use


Ean Services, LLC TRADE MX, S.A.P.I de C.V. (hereinafter, 'Alamo' or 'we') puts this website at your disposal (hereinafter, the 'site'), according to these terms of use and all the relevant laws and regulations.Read these terms of use carefully. If you access or use the site, you completely and unconditionally accept these terms of use, including binding arbitration.If you do not accept them, do not visit or use the site.Alamo reserves the right to review these terms of use;Therefore, we recommend you consult them periodically to verify if there have been changes.The continuous use of the site after the publication of any change of these terms of use constitutes the acceptance of such changes.The updates will be indicated by a more recent date that will appear next to the title 'Last Update', located at the top of this page.All changes enter into force immediately after we publish them and will apply to the use of the site from then on.

Use of the site

Alamo maintains the site to be used for informative and non -commercial purposes.The use of the site for any other purpose is only allowed with the prior, explicit and written consent of Alamo.Without limiting the above, you cannot: (1) use the site commercially, which includes distributing, transmitting or publishing the site or any content of this;(2) interfere in the use that others make of the site;(3) impair, in any case, the operation or functionality of the site, which includes, among other things, transmit or publish on this site any software or other materials that contain any computer viruses, time bombs, troyans, worms, programs, programsof cancellation or other computational programs that may cause damage, interference, interceptions or appropriation of any system, data or information or that alter or interfere with the servers or networks connected to it;(4) Interfere with the rights of Alamo, including their intellectual property rights, or the rights of a third party;(5) frame or place a shared mark on the site or any content present in it;(6) Create links to any part of the site;(7) Make a speculative, false or fraudulent reserve or some reserve that anticipates demand;(8) Publish or transmit from the site any material or illegal, threatening, defamatory, obscene, pornographic or that violates advertising or privacy rights, or violates any law;or (9) Use the site for any illegal purpose.We reserve the right, to our exclusive discretion, to end or restrict the use of the site, without notice, with cause or without cause and without responsibility before you or before third parties.In that case, we can inform your Internet service provider about your activities and take the corresponding legal actions.

As a condition for the use of this site, you guarantee that (1) you are at least 18 years old;(2) You have the legal authority to create a binding legal obligation;(3) You will use this site according to these terms of use;(4) You will only use this site for legitimate and lawful purposes for you or another person for whom you are legally authorized to act;and (5) all the information that proportions to this site will be true, accurate, current and complete.

Scrapers Y Robots

The use of any robot, spider, search site, recovery application or other manual or automatic device is prohibited to recover, index, mark, extract data or, in any way, gather or extract discount coupons or other content that is availableon the site or through it, or reproduce or avoid the navigation or presentation structure on the site without express written consent of Alamo.

In addition, you agree not to decompile, perform reverse engineering, disassemble or try to derive the source code of any software or site safety component.

Site modifications

We reserve the right, to our exclusive discretion, to modify, suspend or interrupt any part of the site at any time, without prior notice or responsibility before you or before third parties.We also reserve the right, to our exclusive discretion, to impose limits on certain characteristics and services.


ALAMO takes your privacy very seriously.All information presented or collected through the site is subject to our privacy policy, whose terms are incorporated into these terms of use.

Links to other sites

The site may include links to third -party websites.Alamo does not control or be responsible for the content or privacy policies of any linked site, and the integration of any link into the site does not imply the approval, review or sponsorship of this on our part.In addition, linked websites operators can treat the information collected differently than how we do it with the information that is sent or collected through the site.To obtain details on how these operators treat that data, you must review their privacy policies or terms and conditions of use, or communicate with them to obtain this information.

Reserves and transactions

All reserves and transactions made on the site are subject to the acceptance of Alamo, which is given to our exclusive discretion.Without limitations, this means that Alamo can refuse to accept or can cancel any reservation or transaction, they have been confirmed or not, with or without cause, to our exclusive discretion and without responsibility before you or to third parties.The rental contracts between Alamo (and any of its subsidiaries and their respective franchises) and the users of the website are conclusively held in the branches of Alamo, their subsidiaries and their respective franchises, and not on this site.

In case of conflict between the conditions of use and any rental contract between you and Alamo or any of its subsidiaries or their respective franchises, the terms of the rental contract will prevail over the terms of use.


Alamo provides specific discount coupons from time to time, which are exclusive for employees or members of specific entities with which Alamo has a contractual relationship.These specific coupons of the entities and the proprietary codes attached to them are our patented property and can only be used by employees or members of specific entities for which the coupons apply, subject to the other terms and conditions applicable to said coupons, and according tothey.Unauthorized use or duplication of any of the specific discounts of entities is strictly prohibited.


If you use the site, you agree to receive electronic communications and warnings from Alamo.You accept that any notice, agreement, dissemination or other communication that we will send by an electronic medium will meet all the legal requirements of communication, even if these communications are in writing.


All texts, graphics, sounds, downloads, software (including the source and binary code) and other materials;the selection, compilation, disposition and presentation of all materials;and the general design of the site (collectively, the 'website content') are owned by Vanguard Trademark Holdings USA LLC ('Vanguard'), their related entities or their respective licensors (in cases where appropriate) and are protected bythe law.All rights reserved.You can print a copy of the content of the website that is available for you, only for your own personal, non -commercial use, provided you do not delete any copyright, commercial brand or other notices owned by the website content.Any other use of the website content is strictly prohibited, unless you have our prior written authorization.The site can also include content that belongs to third parties, including our advertisers.You can use such third party content only if the corresponding owner expressly authorizes it.All requests to reimpress or make any other use of the Avanguard website and its related entities must be sent to the Intellectual Property Manager, Copyright Reprint Permision, 600 Corporate Park Drive, San Luis, Missuri 63105 or to Nicadmin@goalamo.com.Alamo does not guarantee that the use of the materials shown or linked to the site does not infringe the rights of third parties.

Alamo, Alamo Rent-A-Car, the registration design of Alamo and leads Happy are included in the family of commercial and services brands that belong to Vanguard (this is not a list that includes everything).Commercial brands and services marks designated with the “®” symbol were recorded in the United States patent and brands office and in several foreign countries.Other trademarks and services brands that belong to Vanguard may be designated with 'SM' or 'TM' symbols.Our trademarks and service brands cannot be used in relation to any product or service without our prior written authorization.All other brands, trademarks and names that do not belong to Vanguard and that appear on the site belong to their respective owners, who may or may not be affiliated, associated or backed by Vanguard.

Alamo has a series of patents, including US patent numbers 8,234,134, 8,271,309, 8,706,534, 8,862,486, and 8,862,488, and the number of Canada CA 2,907,901 patent, which apply to various aspects of this site;Therefore, users are noticed that they should not copy, accept, use or appropriate any technique, menu operation or other functional or characteristics.These actions could imply their legal responsibility for evidence.

Claims for copyright violation

If you believe that the material published on the site infringes your intellectual property rights, communicate with a vanguard through the intellectual property manager, Intellectual Property Questions, 600 Corporate Park Drive, San Luis, Missuri 63105: (314) 512-5000;or nicadmin@goalamo.com.Includes the following: (1) An electronic or physical signature of the authorized person to act on behalf of the copyright owner or other patrimonial interest;(2) A description of the work subject to copyright or other protected material that you say that it has been violated;(3) A description of the location of the material on the site;(4) Your address, telephone number and email address;(5) Your statement that you believe in good faith that the use in dispute is not authorized by the owner of copyright or other interests, their agent or law;(6) Your statement, under penalty of perjury, that the information in your notification is exact and that you are the owner of the copyright or of the other interests or that you are authorized to act in the name of the owner;and (7), for the notices of infringement of copyright under the copyright law of the digital era, any other information required by the applicable law.


Subject to the applicable terms of our privacy policy, you accept that Alamo and its related entities are free to use any comments, information, idea or other content that is included in any communication that you send us or that we have been provided otherwise tothrough the site (hereinafter, 'your content'), without compensation, recognition or payment, for any purpose, which includes, among other things, the development, manufacture and marketing of products and services;the creation, modification or improvement of the site or other products or services;and the attribution of your comments or reviews (for example, include your name in a review that you send).With this document, you provide to Alamo and its related entities, the non -exclusive right, royalty free, perpetual, transferable, irrevocable and fully sublicigiable to use your content, including the right to reproduce, modify, adapt, translate, distribute, publish, publish, create derived works, publicly exhibit or communicate it to the public in any way.Expressly renounce each and every 'moral rights' (including the rights of attribution or integrity) that may exist in your content.

You recognize and accept that your content is not confidential or exclusive property.

Absence of guarantee

Although we make reasonable efforts to maintain the accuracy and reliability of the site, we do not declare or guarantee that it always works or have no errors.We do not assume any responsibility for errors or omissions on the site or due to problems that arise from its operation.The access and use of the site and its content are carried out at your own risk.Notwithstanding the foregoing, the site and its content are provided 'as is' and 'according to their availability,' without guarantee of any kind, either explicit or implicit, which includes, among others, the guarantees of marketing, suitability forA particular purpose, title and compliance.Some jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion of certain guarantees;Therefore, it is possible that the above does not apply in your case.

Limitation of responsibility

The only solution for dissatisfaction with this site or its content is to stop using the site or its content, as appropriate.

Under no circumstances Alamo, companies related to this, or directors, officials, employees and agents (hereinafter, the “covered parties”) of each of these companies will be responsible for any type of direct, indirect, incidental damage, special, special, Consequent or punitive that arises from your access, use or impossibility of using the site or any content provided by the site.Limitations of responsibility will be applied independently of the type of demand, either according to contract, civil liability, negligence, strict responsibility or other, even if one or all parties covered with the possibility of damage have been informed.

Notwithstanding the foregoing, if one or more covered parts are considered responsible for any loss or damage related to the use of the site and its content, you accept that the accumulated responsibility will not exceed, in any case, the amounts you paid for the services provided byAlamo that are directly related to said responsibility.

Some jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion of certain damage;Therefore, it is possible that the above does not apply in your case.In the event that any authority argues that some part of this section cannot be fulfilled, the responsibility will be limited to the maximum scope allowed by the corresponding law.

The limitation of responsibility described above does not apply to New Jersey residents.With respect to New Jersey residents, Alamo, their related companies and the directors, officials, employees and agents of each of these companies will not be responsible for any type of damage that arises from, or in relation to, your access, use or inability to use the site or any information provided by the site, unless the damage is a consequence of our negligent or reckless acts, or omissions.In no case, we are responsible for indirect, incidental, special, consequent or punitive damage.


You accept to exempt and exonerate Alamo, its related companies and each of their respective directors, officials, employees and agents of any responsibility for any claim or demand for third parties, including prices and reasonable fees of derived lawyers, directly or indirectly, inits totality or part, of the breach of these terms of use, any law or of a violation of the rights of any person.

Dispute resolution: resignation of trial with jury and collective actions;Mandatory arbitration

Alamo and you each renounce the right to trial with jury or to participate in a collective action in accordance with the following terms.Alamo and you undertake to arbitrate each and every one of the claims, controversies or disputes of any kind (hereinafter, the 'claims') that are related in any way or that arise from the site, the use of the site or these terms ofUse, apart from claims related to the violation of copyright or other intellectual property.For the purposes of this dispute resolution provision, 'you' also includes any of your agents, beneficiaries, assignees or any person acting in the name of the above, and 'Alamo' also includes any of its employees, agents,Affiliates, matrices, subsidiaries, beneficiaries, assignees and suppliers, including, among others, their service providers and marketing partners.Alamo and you agree that any claim will not be sought or resolved as part of a collective action, a private legal demand or other action or representation procedure, that no arbitration forum will have jurisdiction to decide any claim on a consolidated, collective or general basisAnd that no rules or other procedures for collective or general arbitration will be applied.This dispute resolution clause will be interpreted widely and will be applied to all claims based on contracts, grievance, statute or any other legal theory.However, the parties agree that any of the parties may file an individual lawsuit in a minor lawsuPerform only in your name or against you and not be part of a collective action, general action of a private lawyer or other representative or collective action.

(1) Procedure: One of the parties must send a written dispute warning (hereinafter, the 'notice') describing (a) the nature and base of the claim;and (b) the compensation requested from the other party.The notification to Alamo must be directed to CT Corporation, 208 S Lasalle, Office 814, Chicago, IL 60604 (hereinafter, “Address of the Notice”).If Alamo and you do not resolve the claim within thirty (30) days after the reception of the notice, one of the parties may initiate arbitration by submitting a demand for arbitration to the American Association of Arbitration (“AAA”,for its acronym in English) under its rules of consumer arbitration.The claims will be resolved in accordance with the consumer arbitration rules of the AAA in force at the time of demand, as modified in these terms of use.However, a single referee will be selected according to the AAA commercial arbitration rules.The referee will carry out audiences, if appropriate, by teleconference or videoconference, instead of face -to -face appearances, unless the referee determines, at your request or Alamo, which is appropriate to make a audience in person.Any appearance in person will be carried out in a place that is reasonably convenient for both parties taking into account their ability to travel and other relevant circumstances.If the parties cannot agree on a location, this determination will be carried out by the AAA or the referee.The AAA rules are available online at www.adr.org.Except for what the law demands, none of the parties or an arbitrator can disseminate the existence, content or results of any dispute or arbitration under this document without the prior written consent of both parties.

(2) Referee Authority: The referee is bound by this dispute resolution clause, the Federal Arbitration Law ('FAA', for its acronym in English) and the rules of consumer arbitration of the AAA consumer.The referee has no authority to unite or consolidate claims or award consolidated rights.The referee has exclusive authority to resolve any dispute related to the scope, interpretation, applicability, enforceability or these terms of use, even the decision of whether they are void or not.The parties agree that the decision and the arbitration award will be final and binding and can be confirmed or challenged in any court with jurisdiction, as allowed by the FAA.The referee can grant the same damages and compensation as a court, but only in favor of an individual part and for the individual claim of a party.

(3) Arbitration costs: You will be responsible for your participation in any arbitration rate (eg, presentation, administration, etc.), but only until the amount of the presentation fees in which you incur if the claims will appear before a court.Alamo will be responsible for all additional arbitration rates.You will be responsible for all other costs or fees that incur during arbitration, p.eg, lawyer fees, expert witnesses, etc.You should not reimburse Alamo for any position, unless the referee determines that the content of your claims or the compensation you are looking for are frivolous.If the referee reaches this conclusion, the rules of the AAA will govern the payment of all rates, and Alamo can request reasonable lawyer fees.Alamo will pay all the rates and costs required by law.

(4) Applicable law and application of this: however indicated in these terms of use, this dispute resolution clause is carried out in accordance with the requirements of the FAA, 9 U.S.C., Sections 1-16.This dispute resolution provision was drafted in accordance with the laws of all states;However, if it is considered that some part of it is not valid or applicable, or does not apply to a claim, the rest of the dispute resolution provision will remain in full vigor and effect.However, as long as the provision of renunciation of collective arbitration is considered inapplicable, any claim of collective claim must proceed to a competent jurisdiction court.


These terms of use are governed and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the State of Missuri, United States of America, regardless of the principles of law conflict.Any action that enforces these terms of use related to a claim not subject to binding arbitration must be submitted to the Federal Court in the Eastern District of Missuri or in the state courts in St. Louis County, Missuri.When using the site, you accept the jurisdiction and competence of said courts.Except when prohibited, you accept that all disputes, claims and demands derived from the site, directly or indirectly, must be resolved individually, without resorting to any form of collective action.This limitation does not apply to New Jersey residents.Any claim or demand that you can have regarding the use of the site must be initiated within the period of one (1) year after the claim or demand has emerged, regardless of any law that establishes otherwise.This limitation does not apply to New Jersey residents.


If any provision of these terms of use is considered not valid or without effect, said provision must be interpreted in line with the applicable law and the remaining provisions must be complied with in accordance with the law as rigorously as possible to reflect the original intention of theapplicable disposition.The titles are only reference and in no way define, limit, interpret or describe the scope of said section.Our inability to enforce any provision of these terms of use will not constitute a resignation to that or any other provision.These terms of use, including the policies mentioned here, constitute the entire agreement between Alamo and you in relation to the use of the site and replace all the previous or contemporary written and oral agreements between Alamo and you in relation to this.


If you have any questions about these terms of use, visit our page contact us to send us a message with your questions.

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